Freeing the birds: A tribute to our original Beautiful Thinker, Leonardo da Vinci

X Marks the Spot

“Give a little, Get a little” Maggie Rogers musicscapes are a source of inspiration for Studio Manager, Stacy Demarchis

Our Design Director Dave Clancy-Smith discovered not just a hero but a kindred spirit

The joyful type of Jim Sutherland “the letters have a life of their own”

The Influence of Antonin Artaud: “There are lots of different ways to tell a story”

A studio fragrance workshop with Sarah McCartney

The rubrics of Kubrick: “Every detail of design has the potential to tell its own story”

The Brutalist Age: Post-war architecture serves as Matt’s primary inspiration for Beautiful Thinking

Olympic pictograms and Swiss typography – the less is more approach is our own Mike’s method of Beautiful Thinking