Introducing the attitudes

Here at Free The Birds we don’t believe your physical age defines you. We believe not in demographics, but ‘emographics’. The way you behave, the way you think, the way you view the world, says more about you than the number of candles on your birthday cake.

Age-related pigeon-holes are dangerous things to fall into if you’re a marketer. There could be consumers who you aren’t reaching simply because they were under or over an age limit – even though they potentially relate to your brand. As a result, our trends insights are related to consumer attitudes not age.

We believe that this perspective will prove to be more reflective of human nature and much more inspiring. It certainly is when we are briefing our creative teams. We find that designing and writing for an attitude produces a much stronger connection with the intended consumer.

We feel sure that some of those attitudes will be very familiar to you. And very valuable.


The Beauty Harmonist

Striving for beauty in every aspect, from personal use products to the aesthetics they cultivate in their home, the Beauty Harmonist purchases with the intention of enhancing the beautification of their day to day lives and experiences.

They seek beauty within and out, seeking the highest quality in their purchases; highly efficacious ingredients housed within chic, elevated packaging.

Aesthetic-driven; Beauty-focused ; Harmonious; Intentional; Stylish; Design-conscious; Environment-enhancing; Mindful; Detail-oriented; Curated


Routine Ritualist

The Routine Ritualist adheres strictly to their daily routines and habits. This includes purchasing products that align with their accustomed standards, and choices often born of habit and often inherited from their parents

The Routine Ritualist is perhaps the most difficult of attitudes to steal share from. The means by which a breakthrough with this group can be achieved is incremental innovation from heritage brands.

Habitual; Consistent; Loyal; Traditional; Predictable; Routine-oriented; Disciplined; Familiar; Reliable; Heritage-focused


Track & Trend

This pursuer of the popular diligently tracks and follows the latest trends in both household-name and independent, emerging products, believing that conformity to products which are in-demand is the best course of action.

This group is highly influenced by friendship groups, social media and the news agenda. They rely less on intense research, more on superficial perceived benefits. Of all consumers, they are the least committed to brands, regularly trying new products they encounter, at the risk of experiencing FOMO.

Trend-following; Fashionable; Conformist; Influenced; Up-to-date; Mainstream; Popular; Socially-aware; Brand-conscious; Contemporary


Wellness Trailblazer

The pinnacle of wellness in their lifestyle, prioritising health and tranquility in every aspect. This includes products they choose for their own and their loved one’s personal routines, promoting wellbeing alongside their primary functions.

The Wellness Trailblazer seeks holistic, sustainable and overall science-based products that provide comfort in the knowledge that it is safe for them and their loved ones. The products the Wellness Trailblazer chooses for their personal care routine play a significant role in both their physical and mental wellbeing.

Health-conscious; Tranquil; Holistic; Mindful; Wellbeing-focused; Harmonious; Nurturing; Serene; Organic; Balanced


Tech Voyager

On a consistent and committed journey through the realm of technology, the Tech Voyager explores advancements and innovations with dedication and enthusiasm in their everyday life. The Tech Voyager approaches the purchasing of products of all kinds with the same curiosity and enthusiasm they apply to other aspects of their tech-driven life.

They seek products that offer innovative, high-performance solutions and are eager to explore how technology can enhance their routines.

Enthusiastic; Dedicated; Tech-savvy; Innovative; Committed; Explorer; Progressive; Inquisitive; Engaged; Forward-thinking


Savvy Saver

Driven by a necessary desire to reduce unnecessary spending, the Savvy Saver’s purchasing decisions are based upon value for money, from the cheapest option available to capitalising on deals of the moment, or strategic purchases which save them money over time.

During this difficult period of tightened purse strings for many, the Savvy Saver and their attitude to spending is strategic and practical in their approach. They focus on finding the best value for money and making informed decisions to reduce spending while still maintaining their routines.

Value-conscious; Frugal; Discount-driven; Brand-flexible; Deal hunters; Resourceful; Practical; Strategic; Economical


Eco Guardian

Dedicated to protecting and preserving the environment, the Eco Guardian actively seeks to safeguard our planet through a commitment to sustainability in daily choices and consumption habits.

The largest and most powerful group, the Eco Guardian is arguably the most influential, as a drive to be more eco-friendly is shared by many brands. However the Eco Guardians expect these companies to be exercising these green practices as standard, to meet their forward-thinking demands.

Environmentally-conscious; Sustainable; Eco-friendly; Green; Responsible; Ethical; Protective; Resource-conserving; Organic; Earth-minded
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